Taxer Group - Does this look better?
Here's what I've decided:
3 Mo/Me - 2 Healer Monks & 1 Protecton Monk -or- 2 Protection Monks & 1 Healing Monk w/ wise use of Mez.
2 W/Me -or- 2 W/N - Either one, both casts hexes and have good qualities.
1 E/Me - Arcane & spiker or nuker, will figure out. Problem comes with energy usage.
2 N/Me -or- 2 Me/N - This is where the team comes together real nicely. Both have blood ritual and maybe blood is power if necro primary to support the E/Me and/or Mo/Me. Add arcane to that.
Now, I'm not an expert at Mez. I haven't even played the secondary more than a couple of times, but switched to something else because it just didn't suit my tastes. So in saying this, consider this a "dream team". I'm wondering if this might work. It seems like it just might seeing that everyone can overtax the enemy with lots o hexes. And w/ 3 monks this team has enough healing/protection to live for quite some time.
So, does this look like a pretty good team? Remember, I'm not an expert at mez (only necro), so any suggestions as to what skills could be used effectively as Me/ or /Me would be helpful.
Thank you for any comments or suggestions.